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We have changed our way of doing business​

Instead of preparing battalions, squadrons and guns that we think you might like, and waiting for the person who wants that particular configuration of nation/regiment/basing/etc to come along and buy, we are now giving the customer the opportunity to have what they want at a special price.


OK, so that is commission painting? Yes and no. Traditionally the commission painter paints what you have bought and sent to him, or buys stock on your behalf. Your cost is the sum of the figures plus the preparation, painting, basing, extras and shipping.

We are offering something better. We have over the last four years curated a stock of 28mm historical figures covering all eras. From Ancients to WW2, we have acquired huge stocks of unpainted figures featuring most manufacturers. These have mostly been from families selling a wargamer’s stock and from wargamers giving up the hobby. One thing for sure is that all of us who love the hobby have a ‘pile of shame’ – stock we bought for a project and never started. Those ‘piles of shame’, currently 20,000 figures, have now been catalogued and sit in our inventory.


We can now offer a figure painting service that includes the cost of the unpainted figures. Furthermore we pass on to you the cost price we paid for the unpainted figures, not the retail cost of them plus mark up. Our profit is in the painting so we will be always be price competitive. Consider that a 25 figure set from Front Rank is about £35, so that cost is removed from your total investment.

Our inventory has been condensed to over 450 figure types across 35 categories. So, you will see for example in the category ACW; ‘Confederate Infantry’, ‘Confederate Infantry Advancing’ ‘Confederate Infantry Marching’, ‘Confederate Infantry Firing’ etc and this is replicated as much as possible across all categories. Everything you see on our website is in stock.


So, you can see what we have available and make your choice about how many figures you want and in which poses. We have stock from all major manufacturers. Most of our stock is metal although we carry some plastic stock mostly Perry and Victrix.

Front Rank, Redoubt, Old Glory/Sash & Sabre, Elite, 1st Corps, Perry, Bicorne and Foundry are heavily represented in the metal inventory.

Sign up for our monthly update on new stock and products then click on Shop to see the good stuff.

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